Weekend Pain Coping Toolbox Class:
Part 1: August 22 10am-noon
Part 2: August 23 10am-noon
(Students should plan on coming to part 1 and part 2. Class will be held over Zoom).
This class is focused on the labor process, pain coping and developing your toolbox for labor. This class doesn’t cover postpartum recovery, newborn care, and infant feeding. I will send along MANY additional resources for learning, but it is not as in depth as the 8-week class. Each part is 2 hours long and we will meet either two consecutive weekend days, or a morning AND afternoon with a lunch break.
Part one: Welcome and logistics; Discovering your beliefs about birth; Identifying and overcoming birth fears; Signs of labor; Phases and stages of labor; Birth logistics; The role of the partner and the role of a doula; Develop excellent communication with your birth team.
Part two: Birth/Sex; You have what you need: discovering your natural pain coping strategies; Pelvic Balancing; Massage, rebozo, and acupressure for labor; Movement and positions for labor; Signs in labor that signal your pelvis needs balancing; Opening each station in the pelvis for easeful delivery; Introduction to Interventions and Medical Pain Coping.