Movement, massage and education to connect you deeply to your inner knowing, your voice, and your health.
Movement, massage and education to connect you deeply to your inner knowing, your voice, and your health.
You can sign up whenever you wish. Most commonly, people sign up once they are in their second trimester. Ideally, you want to be DONE with classes by the time you are 37 weeks. The in-person has a limit of 8 couples. The online class has no cap. Any online classes are recorded and the Zoom recordings are available for a month. You will have access to the email and online content anytime.
I teach a few different type of classes in the community: Cornell University hosted Preparing for Baby Series, and the 6 week Unmethod series. There is a lot of overlap in each of the classes, which make sense, since I am the teacher for each of them. However, there are some key differences.
The Cornell series is free, and is only available for people who are affiliated through themselves or their partner with Cornell. This series happens twice a year and I teach the first two sections of this class. Jessica Evett and Jeanette McCulloch also each teach a section. These classes are recorded by Cornell, there are materials given through Cornell’s Box and participants have access to a private SLACK account.
The Unmethod Series is a 6 week series, and is in person. This is the most comprehensive series. It covers the content of the other classes, but we have more time to delve deeper into subjects like perinatal mood disorders, postpartum intimacy and relationships, newborn sleep, baby wearing, and longer discussions on pain coping and navigating decisions in labor. The benefit of the longer class series is that we just have more time. This also serves to give students more time to get to know one another and build a community. Online and emailed materials are available indefinitely, students have an option of participating in a private Facebook group. This class is $280 for the full series, but again, scholarships are available. Just shoot me an email and let me know that is what you need, and I’ll add you to the class list. The number of participants is capped at 8 couples.
Classes are open to anyone who wishes to learn, including doulas who are auditing a childbirth class for their certification. Classes are a safe and inclusive space, and we’ve hosted many different configurations of what it means for you to be in partnership and building a family. I encourage you to bring a partner or support person to learn with you.
The week before your class starts, I will send you log in details and other logistics for the series. If you have questions in the mean time, shoot me an email.