Arvigo Abdominal Massage

abdominal massage

Arvigo Abodominal Massage

Many traditions of massage across the world use abdominal massage to regulate all the systems of the body. When your organs are living unrestricted in their happiest place in the body, they can access their own self healing mechanisms. Organs unrestricted mean improved venous and arterial circulation, optional hormone function, healthy nervous function, improved digestion, better lymph flow, unrestricted fascia/ligaments/tendons/soft tissue, and unrestricted flow of chi. This is the work of Dr. Rosita Arvigo.

I have been practicing Abdominal Therapy on myself for almost 15 years. It has improved my digestion, stoped hormone migraines, made my menstrual cycle both predictable and without pain, and helped optimize my fertility and helped keep me pain free in pregnancy. Real talk: I went to massage school so I could practice this massage on others. That is how much it has impacted my life.

And the best part: I teach you how to do this yourself at home. Healing available at your own fingertips.

Benefits of Abdominal Therapy

For uterus carrying persons, this massage supports the following:

  • Displaced or prolapsed uterus and or bladder

  • Painful menstrual cycles and ovulation

  • Irregular menstrual cycles and ovulation

  • Bladder or yeast infections

  • Miscarriages, challenging pregnancies

  • Endometriosis

  • Peri menopause, menopausal symptoms

  • Conditions from mal positioned reproductive organs

  • Enhances Fertility

  • PMS/Depression with menstruation

  • Ovarian cysts Uterine fibroids

  • Abnormal uterine bleeding

  • Enhances Pregnancy, aids in labor and birthing

  • Pelvic congestion, pain

For penis carrying persons, this massage supports the following:

  • Early stages of prostate swelling

  • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

  • Prostatitis (mild)

  • Impotence, Erectile Dysfunction (depending on cause)

For children, this massage supports:

  • Colicky babies

  • General digestive issues

  • Constipation Enuresis (bed wetting at night)

Support specific for fertility and pregnancy:

  • Supports pre-conception

  • Enhances ovarian function

  • Relaxation Trimester specific techniques to enhance health of mother and baby

  • Effective birthing process and post-partum care

  • Improves male sperm counts

For everyone, additional benefits include:

  • Headaches/migraines

  • Digestive Disorders (Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS),

  • Gastro Esophageal Reflux (GERD), Heartburn, etc.)

  • Crohn's Disease

  • Pre and Post-Surgical Tissue Adhesion, Scar Tissue

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Chronic constipation

  • Low Back ache

  • Trauma

  • Gastritis

  • Restricted breathing due to tension

  • This work brings focus to your belly… a place which may hold unprocessed emotions, tension, and pain. Through gentle massage, your therapist will help release these stressors. With supportive information, you will learn how to encourage healing.

  • There are many reasons you might be looking for help, from soothing digestive troubles, painful periods, fertility support, or relief from prostate or pelvic issues. Abdominal Therapy encourages balance and optimal function in the belly. We offer whole-person support to clients from a variety of backgrounds and lifestyles.

  • It begins with an exploration of your health history, current circumstances and goals in a virtual meeting, or in-person as part of your first session.

    The in-person Abdominal Therapy treatment involves an external massage of your entire abdomen. The diaphragm, digestive and reproductive organs are all addressed. A full treatment also includes your back, hips, and sacrum too.

    Massaging these areas systematically and thoroughly, we help optimize circulation… and we’re not just talking about blood. Abdominal Therapy affects all the systems of flow in your body: blood, lymph, nerve conduction, and life force or chi.

    Finally, your therapist will teach you how to perform Your Abdominal Massage (YAM) to increase treatment benefits for the long term.

  • Early in her professional practice, Dr. Rosita Arvigo recognized the need for clients to continue their healing with their own hands, in their own time, in their own homes.

    With this in mind, she developed her unique self-care massage to encourage and empower her clients to take charge of their healing.

    Although Your Abdominal Massage is a simple practice and takes only 10 minutes a day, it has profound, lasting effects on your health and wellbeing. It’s not unusual for clients to report – even years later – that YAM has become an integral part of their daily lives.

  • Your therapist will work with you to create a comprehensive treatment plan and provide ongoing support. We are here for you!

Booking a session:

Virtual Tutorial:

For those who are living further afield from Ithaca, this can be a great option to learning how to give yourself abdominal massage. This will not be Arvigo-specific, but pulling from many modalities to help you maintain health and balance. Cost: $80.

Initial session 90-120 min:

The first session includes a longer intake to go over your health history, time to teach you the massage (so you can do it anytime!), and then our hour long bodywork session.
Cost: $170

Follow up 60 min:

Follow up is 60 min (unless you request a longer session for some extra time).
Cost: $120